Doors In Time

Rank: 717 / 2196

2 selected videos

Going to a Charter School Instead of HomeSchooling???

We answer your question about Michialee is going to a Classical Liberal Arts High School instead of home schooling next year.

Heidi and Emmarie talk about our family's decision to homeschool and attend public schools over the years.

I Love Slapstick! asked us about homeschooling.




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Homeschooling: Facing Dyslexia Head On!

Jayce has struggled with reading, spelling, and math because of a learning disability called Dyslexia.

Homeschooling allows Jayce to learn at his own pace, work on his strengths and subjects that interest him the most. It also allows his mom to find the best program for him.

Today was a BIG WIN for Jayce. He easily did algebra for the first time using Borensen's Hands-On Equations and some Legos!

What an awesome moment to share with...

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