Dj Sabbir

Rank: 1516 / 2196

2 selected videos

What is the Salary Potential With an Online Education Degree?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people who have their bachelor's degrees have an average salary of $51,206 per year, while those who have just a high school degree average $27,915 per year. That's a difference of about $24,000 per year, and about $1 million over a lifetime. People who have their Master's degrees make an average of $74,602 per year, which is a difference of almost $47,000 per year from those with only a high school diploma. By getting your online education degree, you could...

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The Age and Online High School Education

You might have a better reason to leave the high school before completion of your education. This is a common plight in many young people. If at a young age a lucrative job opportunity strikes your way you would definitely love to go for that leaving all things apart. Even the conventional study is put off and priority is given to the job opportunity.

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