12 FREE Secular Homeschool Curriculum Websites K-12

12 FREE Secular Homeschool Curriculum Websites K-12.

Here is my new compilation of 10 websites that offer free curricula in mathematics, language arts, sciences, social sciences, art, music and more. Some concentrate in preschoolers or early childhood education, others run the gamut from preK through high school. I’ve come across dozens of these sites, however, my number one criteria for inclusion in this list is a secular perspective, and second, each site must be worth our while.


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From: Patricia Espinoza

Related topics : secular homeschool curriculum free / free homeschool websites / secular homeschool curriculum for high school / free homeschool curriculum for preschool / homeschooling websites

12th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices || 2018-2019

Here's a look at the materials I've chosen for my 12th grader to use for the 2018-2019 homeschool year. He will only be taking four subjects this year: history, science, language arts, and math.

I look forward to sharing our experiences with these materials throughout the homeschool year. :)

Want more information about homeschooling through high school? I highly recommend Sheri from Crabby Cat and Coffee Chat:


Happy homeschooling,...

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From: Homeschool on the Hill

Related topics : homeschool language arts curriculum high school

Switched-On Schoolhouse 12th Grade Language Arts

Enrich your homeschooler’s language arts education with the study of British literature in English IV, a high school course that covers concepts including language structure, medieval and Elizabethan Literature, Romantic and Victorian Poetry, creative writing, and more. Learn more about English IV, Switched-On Schoolhouse’s 12th grade language arts course, at www.aop.com/curriculum/shop-switched-on-schoolhouse/english-iv.

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From: Alpha Omega Publications - Homeschooling

Related topics : homeschool language arts curriculum high school / homeschool art curriculum high school

Monarch 12th Grade Language Arts

Enrich your homeschooler’s language arts education with the study of British literature in English IV, a high school course that explores the structure of language, Romantic and Victorian poetry, medieval and Elizabethan literature, creative writing, and more. To learn more about Monarch’s 12th Grade Language Arts course, English IV, visit www.aop.com/curriculum/shop-monarch/english-iv.

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From: Alpha Omega Publications - Homeschooling

Related topics : homeschool language arts curriculum high school

Switched-On Schoolhouse 9th Grade Language Arts

Strengthen your homeschooler’s understanding of grammar, literature, and composition with English I, an engaging high school course that covers topics including language structure, literature, short stories, communication, drama, poetry, and more. Learn more about English I, Switched-On Schoolhouse’s 9th grade language arts course, at www.aop.com/curriculum/shop-switched-on-schoolhouse/english-i.

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From: Alpha Omega Publications - Homeschooling

Related topics : homeschool language arts curriculum 9th grade

High School Homeschool Curriculum - Our 11th grade choices for the 2018/2019 School Year

Homeschooling High School! Here are our curriculum choices for my 11th grader for the 2018/2019 School Year. This is just her individual curriculum choices for Language Arts, Economics, Science, Electives, and Dual Enrollment Classes.

We have not decided on what math curriculum we will use for Pre-Calculus, but as soon as we do I will be uploading a video.

You can catch our choices for family curriculum (subjects done together) here: https://youtu.be/mHuJ5tHBBMw

If you are new to our...

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From: Homeschool IRL

Related topics : homeschool language arts curriculum high school / high school home economics curriculum

Time4Learning Homeschool Curriculum Tour

Time4Learning is an award-winning PreK to 12th grade curriculum combining the technology kids love, with the education they need, to make learning fun! Time4Learning students have access to over 3,000+ activities, printable worksheets, and online/offline projects. Depending on a child's grade level, courses include subjects such as math, language arts, social studies and science. High school students can join Time4Friends, Time4Learning's exclusive social network.

Want to know more?...

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From: Time4Learning

Related topics : high school social studies curriculum / homeschool language arts curriculum high school / study online high school students / online courses for high school students

Homeschool High School 2018-19 Curriculum Choice : LLATL Gold Series

We will be doing some selections from both the American and British Lit LLATL Gold guides this coming year. We will not have time to do all of them, nor would I even to begin with.

There are new editions available (look at Rainbow Resource, Christian Books, etc. to find these) but I am pretty sure it's mostly cosmetic in nature. You can find the guides used for a better price, esp. since they are still covering the same books.

I beef up our language arts with Winston Grammar and various...

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From: Crabby Cat and Coffee Chat

Related topics : homeschool language arts curriculum high school

Check this homeschooling website for France, struggling for freedom against Macron