Selected articles for topic: fpea florida homeschool convention
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Homeschool Convention is the official meeting of the Florida Parent Educators Association. For more than 30 years the Florida...
Related topics : fpea florida homeschool convention / florida homeschool convention / florida homeschool association / homeschool conventions / florida homeschooling
Homeschooling in Florida - Home Life Academy
Homeschooling in Florida
Summary of Requirements:
Register with HomeLife Academy or another private (cover) school OR fill out a Notice of Intent with your local board of education by the time school begins in your area.
Must be registered between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16). �It is recommended that you register for the school year in which your child will be turning six (6).
180 Days...
Related topics : fpea florida homeschool convention / florida homeschool association / florida homeschooling requirements / florida homeschool convention / board of education home page
How to Homeschool in Florida -
Florida Homeschool Laws
As you begin to set up your own home education program, there are some steps you should follow. The very first thing you will need to do is provide an official written notice of the parent's intent to begin a home education program. A parent should do the following:
Write the notice of intent and sign it,
List the names, addresses, and birth dates of the attending...
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