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Is an Abeka Academy Homeschool for You? Reviews and Thoughts

How Much Does the Abeka Curriculum Cost?

Compared to other curricula, the Abeka curriculum comes in at a rather low cost. This is what the creators said it costs in 2019:

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5 Best Classical Homeschool Curriculum: Classical ...

Combining classical education with Charlotte Mason methods is an extremely popular choice among Christian homeschooling families in America.

This is because some people consider Classical homeschooling methods a little too rigorous, and seek to soften them somewhat with the addition of Charlotte Mason methods.

Charlotte Mason was a classical educator who developed her theory of education around...

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10 Cool Homeschool Room Setup Ideas & What You Need For It

5. Homeschool Classroom Pictures

No bare walls for you!

Putting pictures or graphics up on the walls can be a great way to make your classroom bright and inviting.

And why not make it educational too.

Some homeschool room ideas for this include the following classroom pictures (or graphics as I've called them):

A times table and multiplication graphic:

A world map graphic or one of your local...

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