First Grade OHVA Review, Why We Withdrew and Our Decision to Traditional Homeschool

We did OHVA (Ohio Virtual Academy) for almost two months. We decided to withdraw our first grader and send in our notification of intent to homeschool.

My recommendation for a free online Christian homeschool curriculum is linked below. We have used this for preschool, kindergarten and will be using it for the rest of first grade. My son was advanced at the beginning of kindergarten and first grade with this curriculum.

We will be using the "My Fathers...

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From: Our Hearts Full

Related topics : free online christian homeschool curriculum / christian homeschool preschool curriculum free / free christian homeschooling online / homeschooling curriculum christian / affordable homeschool curriculum

Christians and Stewardship | Homeschool Economics Curriculum Sample

Full product information and description available at Compass Classroom.

How should Christians understand stewardship and how does this help us create order in our world? Find out the answer to this question in this sample video from Economics for Everybody, the online economics curriculum from Compass Classroom.

Are you looking for high school economics lessons that are designed just for the homeschool student? Look no further than Economics for Everybody from Compass...

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From: Compass Classroom

Related topics : free christian homeschool high school curriculum

Free Trade & the Economy | Homeschool Economics Curriculum Sample

Full product description available at Compass Classroom.

Is free trade fair in our economy, and if so why? How does free trade help us serve our fellow man? Check out this excerpt from Economics for Everybody to find the answer to these questions and more!

Economics for Everybody is online economics curriculum that is designed just for homeschoolers. Using a Christian worldview, instructor RC Sproul Jr makes the study of economics both interesting and engaging.


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From: Compass Classroom

Related topics : free online christian homeschool curriculum

Homeschooling Vs. Unschooling | And a review of our curriculum

Some of you asked from our video yesterday and on FB earlier this week, so I wanted to do this while it was fresh in my head. Forgive me for the video quality, but I was more concerned with getting the actual information out there ;). Here is a quick run down of Homeschooling Vs. Unschooling, and a review of the curricula we use here for pre-school, kindergarten and 1&2 grade.

Preschool through 12th grade (FREE online curriculum):

Accelerated Christian...

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From: The Fewell Homestead

Related topics : free online christian homeschool curriculum / online homeschool curriculum reviews

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