Selected videos for topic: earn high school diploma
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Earn your High School Diploma online
only have a GED or NYS IEP never went to high school but desire to have a real high school diploma? Then watch this video
From: Stephen Griffin
Related topics : online high school diploma ged
online community colleges in california
online community colleges in california.An online degree is an academic degree (usually a college degree, but sometimes the term includes high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting.
From: macOS Guide
Related topics : high school online degree / degree high school diploma
Win A James Madison High School Scholarship
The Gary Keisling ACCESS Scholarship program offers up to 22 scholarships each year to all students who are interested in earning an accredited high school diploma online through James Madison High School.
To learn more and apply for this scholarship, please visit the following link:
To learn more about Didiayer Snyder and support her great work, please visit:
From: jmhsedu
Related topics : james madison high school online / james madison high school diploma / online high school diploma accredited
Supporting Youth Development through Mentoring and Sport - CGI America 2012 Commitment Announcement
At the 2012 CGI America Meeting, Chris Hanlon announces a new CGI America Commitment to Action by Beat the Streets Philadelphia.
In 2012, Beat the Streets (BTS) Philadelphia committed to expand its mentoring program to 1,000 students, and to offer social and emotional learning, and academic support in Philadelphia and surrounding urban areas. Currently, nearly 100 percent of students participating in Beat the Streets Philadelphia's...
From: Clinton Global Initiative
Related topics : earn high school diploma
Earn a real high school diploma at Ombudsman Chicago
Are you 21 or younger and want to get your high school diploma? Are you off-track and want a fresh start? Earn your diploma at Ombudsman Chicago; tuition is free! Visit to learn more or enroll now.
From: OmbudsmanEducation
Related topics : get real high school diploma
The Academy at Hickory Hollow: Exceeding Expectations
The Academy located at Hickory Hollow (a Simon Youth Academy) is a non-traditional school for students 17-21 who would like to earn a high school diploma. Students who attend The Academy experience a rigorous and accelerated curriculum, and may earn up to 2 high school credits or more every 10 weeks. The Academy requires 22 credits for graduation.
Students at The Academy are recognized as individuals with individual needs. The staff at The Academy strives to make every student feel accepted...
From: Metro Nashville Public Schools
Related topics : earn high school diploma / high school curriculum requirements
Earn your high school diploma online
This form of study usually involves a combination of courses delivered on-line via a conferencing system FirstClass software or Web Based) and through print-based texts and workbooks.Know the benefits of diploma.
From: Shamz george
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TN Adult Education Commercial
A new job or promotion can be yours by earning your High School Equivalency Diploma. Students can get a high school diploma by taking either the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®) or the General Education Development (GED®) test. Tennessee offers free Adult education classes and testing in every county of the state.
From: Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
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Get Equivalent to High School Diploma Without GED
An increasing number of states are offering alternatives to the GED in order for individuals to earn their high school diploma equivalency, a necessary prerequisite to earning two-year and four-year degrees in the United States. Check to see if your state allows students to complete the HiSET or TASC in order to earn your high school diploma equivalency. Get more expert undergraduate admissions advice at
From: Admissions Intel
Related topics : high school diploma ged or equivalent
Brandon Pressley SYF Student Testimonial
Watch as Simon Youth Academy at Opry Mills graduate Brandon Pressley discusses his transition from almost becoming a high school drop-out to earning his diploma and exploring college options.
From: SimonYouthFoundation
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