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Ohio's Educational Dilemma – Home School Article – Articles – HEM

Ohio’s educational dilemma Times-Gazette 4/30/2009

Of course, parents should have the choice to home-school, or send their children to public or charter schools.

The problem, as usual, comes down to money. All property owners (and renters indirectly) in Ohio, pay for public education through real estate taxes.

The remaining cost is paid by the state, again with tax dollars. The tough question is, should taxpayers’ money continue to be used to fund non-public educational institutions, many...  [more...]

61 Articles (and 23 Videos) for this topic


rticles educationalexperience definition - happy's blog

Once you have settled into your own style of homeschool teachingyou will really be able to relax and enjoy all the advantages ofbeing a homeschooler brings. As a homeschooling parent thechilds entire world is your lesson plan. You can stay in forthe day and concentrate on the traditional subject matter or youcan take a field trip to one of your local businesses. Or, visitsome of the historic rticles educationalexperience definitionlocations around your community combinedwith a trip to the...  [more...]

1 Articles (and 7 Videos) for this topic